Whoa, you found my “secret about me” page! I’ll reward you by telling you a little bit more about myself.

I was born in South Korea! That means I grew up with the best of both worlds (Mom: Korean and Dad: American)!

I’ve been drawing ever since I could remember. From sketching with pencils to conquering digital landscapes with my trusty iPad and PC, I really enjoy bringing ideas to life! I've even created my own children's book — words, illustrations, and all!

When I'm not lost in the world of art, you'll catch me stealthily navigating Dungeons & Dragons as the ultimate Rogue or the occasional DM. I enjoy drawing out maps and creating stories for people in my free time, too.

And hey, if you ever need to capture an awesome moment (or some really good food), I've been wielding a camera for over a decade and capturing memories that last a lifetime (I was a wedding photographer for 4 of those years)!

So, thanks for stumbling upon this hidden page. Stick around, and let's embark on a journey filled with creativity, adventure, and maybe a little bit of mischief. Who knows what other secrets I’ve hidden around my website!