What Stops You From Completing Your Project? Part 2

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

The last post was about perfectionism and how it can stop you from completing your project or task. Remember: Completion, Not Perfection.

What if you don’t have an issue with perfectionism. Well then, maybe this topic will help you.

Consistency. How consistent are you on doing your project each week? Each day?

Being consistent and setting an amount of time aside for your task will always help you complete it. Even just an hour a day.

When I was working on my book, I also had a full-time job. I had to make a conscious effort to do a little bit each day. I thought about how much time I was willing to put into each day as a minimum. 1 hour? 2 hours? 3 hours?!

Nope. Just 1 hour each day helped me finish and complete my book. And it worked! I finished my first draft in a month doing this. But it laid a good foundation to fully complete it.

Now the beauty of setting that time aside was that I could work just that 1 hour or I could do more - especially if I had a good rhythm going. 1 hour was the minimum.

But it also gave me enough free time to go and relax with friends. Which we all want - free time.

So let me ask you again - how consistent are you? What’s your schedule?

You don’t need to rush and try to do everything all in one day. This leads to burnout.

Instead, set a certain amount of time aside that will act as a minimum. Mine was 1 hour. But sometimes I did 2 hours. Maybe yours will be 30 minutes. Who knows.

What I do know is, is that if you do set aside some time each day and work on your project, you will finish. And that is what you want!


Feeling Stuck in Life


What Stops You From Completing Your Project? Part 1