You Give Value to What You Value

Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

Value is a funny thing. It's not some magical property that objects or experiences possess. Nope, it's all in our heads! We assign value based on what we like, want, and need. That's why what's valuable to one person might be totally worthless to another.

It's all about our personal values. These are the things that guide our decision-making and shape our lives. Maybe you value money, education, or socializing. Or maybe you're all about collecting rare sneakers, binge-watching reality TV, or eating pizza. Hey, no judgement here!

“When I was a kid, I loved playing with my video games. I had a whole collection of them, and I cherished each one. One day, a friend came over to play and asked if he could borrow one of my games. I agreed without realizing what would happen…I mean why would I? We both liked games so I know problem.

Sure enough, when he returned the games, it was scratched. I was upset and felt like he didn't understand the value of my game. But as I thought about it more, I realized that the game was only valuable to me because I assigned it value. To my friend, it was just another game. (Plus, we were kids, we didn’t know better.)

This experience taught me that value is subjective and that we each assign it based on our own preferences and experiences. It also taught me the importance of being open-minded and understanding that what's valuable to me might not be valuable to others.”

Here's the thing: our values can change over time. Something we once thought was important might not be anymore, and something we never cared about might suddenly become our obsession. That's the beauty of being human, we're always evolving.

So, next time you find yourself valuing something that seems weird to someone else, remember that it's all subjective. As the saying goes, "one person's trash is another person's treasure." And who knows, maybe someday you'll value something totally unexpected. After all, life is full of surprises!


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