Are You Following Your Passions?
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash
Currently, I am working on a lot of different projects. I want to see where they will take me.
There’s the old saying: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”
And that is what I’m doing. I’m trying out so many different things that I feel like I’m being stretched, but in a good way. It’s good to try out different things without a knowable outcome.
However, growth in those areas will be slow since you’ve spread your time and energy into so many different things. That’s a choice we all have to decide is worth it. (Of course, then when something hits, we go hard in that one area. Nothing wrong with that.)
Some of you, if not all, are like me and don’t want to miss out on anything. There is so much potential in all of you, and me, and we want to see where it can take us. That’s exciting!
This website might change a little as time goes on. That’s just like life, we grow and figure out better ways sharing or we want to share different aspects we’ve learned.
I still want this to be a platform where people can come and learn or just take a break from the world and figure things out. Regardless of why you are here, I want you to know that you are amazing and have so much potential to change your environment!